Linda founded Cob in the Community in 2008 because of her combined interests in sculpting, sustainability and passion for bringing communities together. She completed courses in dry stone walling, lime plastering, Tadelakt, straw bale building. She has a certificate in Permaculture Design and where possible brings that into her teaching. Linda is also keen to integrate cob building and other activities such the National Curriculum, meditation, music, and family building days.
She is currently working with three of London’s largest engineering projects to secure clay for community use in London. She is a Director of The Gaia Gallery – narrow boat / art project and hopes to manage the distribution of clay via London canals. Linda was a CEO of a photography trade association for over a decade, where her passion for building community began.


As well as Linda’s life partner, Dorothy loves Cob in the Community’s magical ability to bring people of all ages and backgrounds together in the amazingly soulful and engaging activity that is building with cob. Preferring not to get her own hands too dirty, Dorothy mostly assists on desk-related activities and facilitating trustee meetings.


Ali Stephens
Ali Stephens lends his expertise in the form of woodwork, building shelters for ovens and his amazing & <a href="" target="_blank">Pallet Furniture</a>, and is experienced in cob, strawbale and earthship constructions. Having met Linda at a Transition festival we joined forces in search of pursuing our passions. A skilled graphic design, Ali designed and put together this site and has a wide selection of other work on his portfolio site; <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Ali StephensCOB MASON & WEB

Louis Rutherford
Louis Rutherford joined Cob in the Community in an official capacity in the summer of 2014 having worked closely with Linda Royles on The Gaia Gallery permaculture barge project since 2012. Having studied various forms of natural building with The Brighton Permaculture Trust and Low Carbon Trust at their base in Brighton, Louis went on to found The Gaia Gallery project. In this capacity he has over-seen the creation of The Gaia Gallery co-operative and interaction with a number of different community and sustainability groups during the process of the project build. He completed his Permaculture Design Certificate in 2013 and is currently studying towards an MSc in Urban Regeneration at the Bartlett College, UCL.

Louis RutherfordCOB MASON

Rachel Dring
Rachel first discovered cob through her friendship with Linda. She has yet to get her hands dirty, but has seen the results of CIC’s work and loves it! She’s inspired by how it brings people together to create connection with place and materials as well as the potential for low-impact construction on a large-scale. Also the founding director of a sustainable food business, she brings experience and leadership in social enterprise start-up and an irrational enjoyment of developing databases and untangling things.


Dianne Ceresa
Attracted by the irresistible energy that surrounds everything that Cob in the Community does, and by its appeal to both community groups and businesses, Dianne contributes to its communications and marketing. Working in sustainable travel in developing countries means she relishes the opportunity to be part of an organisation with such a strong local London focus.


Anne Tiedemann
Anne is privileged to be working with Linda and has been involved with CIC since her first build in 2010 where it became clear that it was time to balance corporate life with getting her hands dirty. The medium of cob, working with your hands (and feet) combined with engagement with diverse communities young and old is rewarding. The community builds and the legacy of the structures has a lasting impact. When not getting muddy, Anne works with Linda on governance and finance for the enterprise.

Most of our work is done by unpaid volunteers, who come to have fun, connect with others and learn about natural building. We sometimes pay cob specialists or natural building experts to come in at particular points on projects, but otherwise Cob in the Community currently has no paid staff.
We are governed by a board of 8 trustees. We meet 3-4 times a year to provide strategic direction, define goals and targets, assist with policies and procedures and evaluate performance. Our trustees also ensure that we are efficient in our administration and work to secure financial stability. We monitor compliance with our governing documents, company law and other relevant legislation.
- Equal Opportunities Policy
- Policy and guidance procedure when dealing with children, young or vulnerable adults
- Role of a trustee
- About community interest companies – information for trustees and volunteers
- Health and safety – working with earth, lime, lifting heavy objects, working from height
- Policy for dealing with complaints